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We are the Family Business Experts for over 35 years

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Practical advice with innovative solutions
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Kwaiser Consulting LLC

We have successfully assisted countless family businesses through our consultations, workshops, workbooks and cloning surveys. We believe in sharing the insights and experiences we have learned. In this way we can help families in business reduce missteps and maximize their revenue. We understand that strategies are effective and we are continually searching for successful, innovative ideas to help families in business work together better.

              Jim Kwaiser - 724-301-1255

   Affiliate: Scott Whetsell  724-816-4741


Some of the Issues we assisted families in business with:
  1. Communication enhancement   
  2. Conflict resolution 
  3. Succession planning
  4. How to improve relationships  
  5. Understanding of financial statements
    and how to use them
  6. Establish family meetings
  7. Establish regular business meetings
  8. Family First and what it means
  9. Family Business RULES   
  10. Responsibility and accountability 
  11. Family Business Agreements - Legally
  12. Future - Sell, Fund, Gift, the Business
  13. Buy out 100% or partially?
  14. Family Relationships - Extended Family
  15. How to get along
  16. Buy and Sell Agreements etc.
  17. NEW HIRE/PROMOTING SURVEYS and                MUCH, MORE!

We have the expertise to assist in answering the hard questions:  


  1. Should the eldest always be the next    business leader?

  2. How should family members be paid?

  3. How will decisions be made?

  4. What voice should a spouse have in the  business?

  5. How will future family leaders be determined?

  6. Can a family member be fired?

  7. Do family members have the right to work in the company?

  8. Can a family member be an own    without working in the company? 

  9. What will mom and dad do without the business?  

  10. How will family be compensated? 

  11. When to involve children in the  business       
    and MUCH, MORE!

Kwaiser Consulting LLC
Practical advice with innovative solutions

Kwaiserism: "Nothing meaningful can happen without effective communication."


Communication done improperly will be the key factor in destroying relationships and fostering misunderstandings. We have all said the wrong thing from time to time and paid some type of "price" for it. Speaking first and thinking later does not work as emotion rules the tongue especially in "tense" situations. Lack of clear communication can cause mistrust, wrong direction, hard feelings, loss of business, loss of friendships, a lot of stress, making you and others miserable!

Too many families in business as well as company executives spend very little time communicating with their people and too much time talking!

Effective communication can be learned with the realization that not everyone can be communicated with in the same way. Knowing how to communicate effectively with different types of people can change relationships, employees, families and businesses.

For over 40 years we have shared a proven method that has assisted families in business, as well as leaders/managers of companies in communicating more effectively. We can do it for you.
                                                              If not - don't pay us!

             Order our " Communication for Families who work together"  ($40)

             plus free 30 minute consultation - we send invoice with workbook. If it is
             not a fit - don't pay the invoice and destroy the workbook!

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Practical advice with innovative solutions



Avoidance and silence are the two most common reasons that conflict grows and communication breaks down. Often many people believe that the best way to handle conflict is to avoid bringing up any issue that may create conflict. We call this avoidance the "unspeakables." Unspeakables are those issues that everyone knows about but do not talk about in the hope that the conflict will go away. That never happens!

We have assisted many people who were in conflict by helping them identify the real issues, and deal with them effectively. There are proven strategies in the "Workbook" to reduce and eliminate many conflicts. 

We have been facilitating individuals in conflict for over 40 years and know the right strategies.


                        If we cannot help you - don't pay Us!!


Jim, along with his wife, AnnMarie, are two of the most brilliant - and kind - people in helping families in business. They know the intricate details that can help and those that can hurt families in business. They help save, rejuvenate, and redirect when necessary. If you are looking for assistance with your family business, in any way, get the seasoned professionals who genuinely care for families who work together. They are experts and brilliant when it comes to families in business. Fabulous people!
                                          Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE

Thank-you for the professional guidance and help you have given us. Your ideas and consulting has helped my brother and I better understand and work with one another. You have shown us that with the right guidance and understanding our business can grow and prosper. Thank you for your guidance.
                                     Matthew Huber

My brothers and I brought in KwaiserConsulting to help our family business.  The have a unique process that has not only helped each of us individually on how we handle the business, it has also brought us closer together as a family. The process was not an easy task and there were many rough days to overcome. With their help overcome is what we did and we are reapig the rewards. Thank you for your hard work and for truely having your customer's best interest at heat and it shows by your actions. I truly believe you were sent to us by God.  Thanks again.

                                    Dennis Duffy

Thank-you for the meetings you conducted with my brothers and me. You have the same vocabulary as our dad. He and now you, make us think about our actions, words and family along with the business. It has been many years that we have been so together.  Thanks again.                Steve McAneny

I appreciate the time you have spent with me, coaching and mentoring me through the issues that arise out of working with my husband. You always listened with a discerning ear and with compassion. You provided me with practical ideas for handling those tough situations. You helped me determine the role I should play and how to support my husband. You have a true gift, and your opinions have been invaluable to us!

Thank you for being in the business of helping family business like ours!

                                  Jill Marburger

Than-you for the assistance you gave to my partners and I. You helped us see things in our company that we did not see and to manage our people in a more effective way. You also helped us hire the right people for the positions they filled. You also helped us develop and implement a successful succession plan. Thank-you for your gifted guidance.

                                     Jeff Crowder  

         Some of the industries that we have worked with Families in Business:

Jewelry Industry                          Industrial Fan                        Blue Printing Company

Tug Boat Company                      Trucking Company                 Supermarkets

Ocean Shipping Company           Filter Company                       Bakery

Dance Studio                                Video Company                      Financial Planner 

Funeral Homes                             Specialty Box Company         Restaurants 

Pipe Replacement                        Video Company                      Plywood Company

Frack Tank Company                   Carpet Company                    Railroad Car Repair 

Advertising Company                  Recreational Vehicles            Tool and Wire Company

Construction Company                Attorneys                                Consultants
                                         AND MANY OTHERS - ALL FAMILY BUSINESSES

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